I love a good challenge. Here is a short list of challenge's that I love:
1. Arm Wrestling:
1. Arm Wrestling:
This is a challenge I often offer to my 3 year old. It's difficult to win every time, but he does it gracefully.
2. Staring Challenge:
2. Staring Challenge:
Talking up a staring contest to someone who takes it seriously is so gratifying when I quickly lose.
3. Scripture Mastery:
3. Scripture Mastery:
I loved the study and technique leading up to a Scripture Mastery Challenge in Seminary. It's been a while, but I think PEC this Sunday is the perfect place for an impromptu contest...
4. Cooking Challenge.
Mostly I see these on television...but I need to be ready for when Bobby Flay shows up. There's no way he can beat my "hot dog sandwich". I made it once and it was awesome. And I make it with foie gras! Throwdown on that Flay!
5. Waking Up in the Morning:
5. Waking Up in the Morning:
Ah, the battle to wake up... I win this battle with a little technique I call, "Ask My Wife to Kick Me in the Morning". I'd explain it, but it's complicated.
I'm sure there are challenges that I'm missing...if you have any suggestions, make them.
But know that I will prepare for that challenge, show up, and challenge you.
And possibly ask for a rematch.
Here are some good challenges for you
1. Picking up you socks
I have come last on this one merely because I do not wear socks. However, I had been known to be a great "other people’s socks picker- upper"
Now I challenge you to start picking up your own socks and the option of not wearing them is not available.
2. Another good challenge is to know what you are going to say before starting to speak. Great many people I know start talking before they actually decide what are they talking about. That's why they often start sentences with" so.... well...."est.…. On the hand though great many people who know what they want to say before they say it are in such a hurry to do that, that they often interrupt others, or stop listening all together. So which is better you think?
I think the real challenge is not just knowing what you are going to say but also knowing when to say it. I cannot boast in great achievement in this area but am surely working on it.
There you go ( de gna) one challenge to do and one to think about.
Wow! Good luck in the cooking challenge. I don't anticipate you having much competition in the Foie Gras HotDog combo category...but what do I know?
Looking forward to seeing you blab on and on!!!
Hripsime jan, sirum em quez. im nazke shat pinte, u yes el em. huntrem, me gna vorev hetov im nazke pinte. me gna aziz. ;-)
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