Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Citizen

My wife is a citizen of the United States of America. Last week she took an oath with a few hundred other immigrants- it was an amazing experience.

I don't know who the guy in the picture with Hripsime and Noah is by the way. When I took the photo he just jumped in.
He's handsome though.


Here we are at the St. George Temple Visitor's Center. Please note that Noah is trying to escape- he really wanted to speak with the Sister Missionaries (true story).Here is Hayk's ultrasound at 20 weeks (check out that profile!):
Here's a picture of Noah's killer smile. People comment that he'll be a heartbreaker- I don't know about that whether or not that will be true about him breaking anyone else's heart, but he sure breaks his Mom's and my heart constantly with that smile:
Noah has an affinity for sleeveless shirts- and stethoscopes:
Here's a picture of Noah and I racing in St. George. I love you Noah!

So! Zara mentioned we should post pictures of us on my blog (er, the fam). I don't know why a picture of us would be more interesting than a giant mutant stalk of broccoli, but I will still oblige.
I love my family- we have some exciting times ahead.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Yesterday morning I was eating Fruit Loops, getting ready for Church. Hripsime and Noah were both asleep.

OR SO I THOUGHT!!!! (Cue dramatic music!)

I heard the patter of Noah sized footsteps walking along the upstairs hall, and then down, down, down the stairs.

He turned the corner into the kitchen, and walked right towards me.

He paused, and began to assess what I was doing.

Noah requests, “Dad, please don’t eat my cereal. It’s my favorite.”

Seth inquires, “What should I eat instead?”

Noah responds, “Broccoli.”

Seth laughs.

Noah laughs.

My son is so funny.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Yes, That's What Friends Are For

I am an advertising executive. I create ad campaigns, analyze data, and consult with clients on their best course of action for their business.

A co-worker of mine does much of the same. He is my friend as well- which I suppose is why I decided to prank him.

I’d write more about it, but he already has here.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Hand On My Heart

It's official... Hripsime and I are welcoming another son into our little family! We are so excited, and humbled, and well, excited. I told Noah that he will have a little brother soon, and his reply was, "How strange." I love Noah! And I can't wait to meet my second son.
I love this picture of Noah. He's so sincere.
Music, it makes the world go around- But only if you listen to it. And only if you like it. Otherwise, something else probably makes the world go ‘round for you.

So I’ve decided to post a list of music that I have in rotation- music I consider the best for me now. Like Bob Sagat, I’m listing the songs in a random order.

1. Fink “Pretty Little Thing” I love when songs become thought clearinghouses. I’m not saying that a song about stalking is a good thing (as spoken about in this song, but pining after a phone number and opportunity to hang out is. Jazz/Alt/Acoustic fused goodness.
2. Travis “Battleships” Travis gives new meaning to a Hasbro marketed, mass plastic produced, two player board game. (I wonder if they can do the same for Hungry Hungry Hippo?) Likening relationship woes to naval ships under fire is brilliant.
3. Satchel “Trouble Come Down” Everybody needs some kind of ‘90’s throwback, right? Plus this is a great rainy day song, and the crazy falsetto is weird enough that I’m down with it.
4. Broken Social Scene “Shampoo Suicide” Just a great song from a great movie (Half Nelson). I really dig it. A good driving song.
5. Royksopp “So Easy” A great work out/study song, provides just enough goodness to keep the cerebellum active.
6. RJD2 “Mooore” Lovin’ this song constantly. RJD2 can do near no wrong in my book.
7. Jose Gonzalez “Hand on Your Heart” Awesome… reminds me of Nick Drake, others… “Put your hand on your heart and tell me…” Brilliant.
8. Cary Judd “Coma” “Hit me on the head, put me in a coma, I could use the rest…” What a fantastic lyric.