My son loves his pajamas. He chooses his pajamas from day to day. Some times he decides to "mix an match", maybe wearing the race car pants with the Bob the Builder shirt.
And why can't he do that? Pajamas are important- important enough that a three year old can opt out of his Thomas the Tank Engine shirt and in to a navy blue T-Rex short sleeve top.
People love pajamas. We go to see movies about people in pajamas. We watch TV shoes about pajama clad heroes. And YES- I've noticed that some shoes are attempting to take the pajama factor out of the hero. A super-hero without pajamas is like a bean without the string. The pajama factor distinguishes the hero as one powerful enough to choose to be comfortable where and when they choose. A hero without pajamas is not a hero at all, that's what I say.
What is the world coming to?
I'm going to make today a fantastic day- so watch out! I love the chance to move forward that life provides. Every dawn is hope for me. Hope for renewed opportunity. Hope for forgiveness. Hope for a chance to make bail. Yes- every dawn is hope for me.
So, I have told no one about this blog. I'll tell my wife today- She's the one whose opinion I value the most. She's the best.
I was thinking today about my commitment. My marriage commitment is ALWAYS. Not six days a week. Not 16 hours of every day. Not every minute but 15 each year. It is always, every nano second- forever.
Blog number 2 is down!