Here we are at the St. George Temple Visitor's Center. Please note that Noah is trying to escape- he really wanted to speak with the Sister Missionaries (true story).

Here is Hayk's ultrasound at 20 weeks (check out that profile!):

Here's a picture of Noah's killer smile. People comment that he'll be a heartbreaker- I don't know about that whether or not that will be true about him breaking anyone else's heart, but he sure breaks his Mom's and my heart constantly with that smile:

Noah has an affinity for sleeveless shirts- and stethoscopes:

Here's a picture of Noah and I racing in St. George. I love you Noah!

So! Zara mentioned we should post pictures of us on my blog (er, the fam). I don't know why a picture of us would be more interesting than a giant mutant stalk of broccoli, but I will still oblige.
I love my family- we have some exciting times ahead.