Monday, July 30, 2007

Rules Keep Me from Going Crazy

I have rules. There’s no nefarious foundation for certain life guidelines I have, they just are.

Here are a few of my rules:

1. No talking in the bathroom. Public or private restroom, it does not matter to me- I will not speak to you. In fact, I will ignore you. Ask my co-workers. I do speak with my son through the door in the bathroom but only because he tells me interesting things, like how church would be better if we had hot dogs there.
2. There is no substitute for face to face communication. So if someone does not want to see my face, we do not communicate that well.
3. It’s okay to exhibit OCD if it involves something important. If you lock a door behind you, how do you really know that it’s locked unless you check it again?
4. Socks do not have to match. Seriously, it’s okay- Apocalypse will not ensue. Socks need variety too- imagine always being paired up with the blue with plaid pattern, when you could possibly be facing the novelty “Rockin’ Santa Sock”.
5. Sleep is cool, but sometimes is a real time waster. I mean, I could be blogging.

1 comment:

DaddyRockStar said...



Do I see a pattern emerging?